Jennifer SteinKamp - video and new media

Jennifer SteinKamp - Visual Music Installation

Jennifer Steinkamp is an installation artist who works with video and new media
in order to explore ideas about architectural space, motion, and phenomenological perception. [website: ]

Jennifer SteinKamp - Loop

"Recent explorations employing digital media and installation represent a fulfillment of the tradition while suggesting new directions for visual music. Using multiple video projections and amplified sound, Jennifer Steinkamp (b. 1958) constructed a space where the viewer is immersed in an environment of lights, color, form, and movement synchronized to a sound composition by Bryan Brown. In her work SWELL (1995), three projectors present digital animations of glowing colored starburst forms, creating the impression of an infinite space in which light spirals out towards the viewer and spins back into the void." [source text: ]

Quicktime Video Clip - video reel available at: